Microelements 1-0-0 is a mixture of micronutrients, freshwater algae extract, nitrogen and amino acids extracted from plants (soybean derivatives).
Microelements 1-0-0 is a mixture of high-quality chelated micronutrients natural liquid micronutrients. Microelements help stimulate enzyme synthesis, the process of photosynthesis and water absorption.
By using the 1-0-0 Microelements throughout the crop cycle, many nutrient deficiencies in the plant and soil can be avoided before they become a problem.
Unlike many micronutrient mixtures, 1-0-0 microelements are immediately available to the plant. The use of natural unicellular algae cells helps promote biological activity and ensures maximum absorption and assimilation of nutrients by acting as a delivery system directly to the plant's cells.
Universal can be combined with most fertilizers, insects, herbicides and pesticides. It can be applied according to the most common spray practices.
It can be applied at any time during the crop growth cycle, observing immediate effects on nutrient absorption.
Product features and benefits
- Increase in chlorophyll content and enzymatic functions.
- Help photosynthetic pathways resulting in better growth.
- Increase the number of fruits and decrease the fall of fruits.
- Higher water absorption rate.
- Helps withstand stress conditions such as drought.
- Better crop quality and higher yields.