Calcio 880 is a complex of calcium carbonate and freshwater algae extract that can be used effectively in foliar applications and in most irrigation systems. It contains a packet of natural phytohormones that consists of extracts of unicellular algae cells to stimulate biological activity in the plant. Algae cells act as facilitators of the mobility of the calcium molecule in the plant and provide the fastest and most efficient assimilation of calcium possible.
Calcio 880 is processed according to pharmaceutical guidelines, providing the highest quality calcium available. Calcium carbonate is extracted and processed to a size less than one micron. This extremely small particle size increases the surface area of calcium when applied to a crop, which helps increase the speed and volume of assimilation, and the mobility of calcium once assimilated by the plant.
Calcium plays an active role in the absorption of water and nutrients by neutralizing organic acids in the plant. Calcium deficiencies cause disorders of well-documented fruits and vegetables, such as the bitter pit of apples, the rot of flowers in tomatoes and peppers, the soft bottom of melons and the tips of lettuce. Calcium protects the plant by acting as a buffering agent against stress caused by soil toxicity or extremes of acidity or alkalinity.
It is known that calcium improves water penetration in most types of soil and helps soil flocculation. Calcium has the ability to displace sodium ions in the soil colloid, and also buffer salts that may be present in the root rhizosphere. Calcium is our only counterion. Calcium helps separate platelets from the soil, creating a more suitable environment for root growth.
The ability of calcium to reduce or prevent infections comes from its ability to increase cuticular thickness and cell turgor pressure, effectively strengthening or strengthening cell walls in plants. A typical sign of calcium deficiency is the breakdown of cell walls and the collapse of affected tissues. Plants with thicker cuticles and higher cell turgor pressure are less susceptible to infections and, if infected, can better fight infection.
Calcium also plays a role in cell expansion / division in the plant. Cell division is a function of calcium and water, and well-maintained levels of calcium in tissues and fruits will give the plant the opportunity to size the fruit. For continuous healthy growth, an easily available calcium supply is essential.
Why use Calcio 880?
- Increased uptake through plant cells and root system.
- Easy to use in most irrigation systems.
- Easily incorporated into all nutrient programs (some restrictions on phosphorus mixing)
- High correction rates can be used without harmful risks
- Economic costs of application.
- Best sales management protocol.
- Calcium is the only "counter" ion for sodium management
- Excellent tool for soil recovery.
- Improves soil porosity and stress tolerance.
- Increases the absorption of nitrogen (NH4)
- Improves mobility through the vascular systems of the plant.
- Prevents premature leaf loss (senescence)
- A particle size of one micron or less.
- High concentration of calcium (28% liquid formulation)
- There are no limiting factors, that is, sulfates / chlorides found in most other calcium products.
- Processed under pharmaceutical guidelines.
- Stability in all types of floors.
- Seaweed extract added.
- Mixing compatibility.
- Low salt index (5). As a comparison, calcium nitrate has a salt index of 52.5 (Rader, 1943)
- Highly soluble and mobile.